Shutter Speed: 1/25
Aperture: f4.0
ISO 100
Camera: Canon 5D Mark IV
Lens: Canon 8-15mm f4.0
To this day, this photo may still be one of my favorites. My friend Mark and I traveled to Los Angeles a couple years ago and rented a Ford Mustang convertible. I used this trip as a chance to see Los Angeles for the first time and to really try some new techniques with my camera. Before getting to California, I knew I wanted a picture like this. So when the time came, we were exploring Laguna Beach and the sun started setting, casting a warm glow over everything around us. We got in the car, put the top down, and started to drive around. I sat in the backseat and put my fisheye lens on my camera. While Mark drove around the streets of Laguna Beach, I held my camera up in the air and started taking photos. I lowered my shutter speed enough that anything moving in the shot would blur. This created the sense that the car was moving faster than it really was.